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The Iron Pillar of Delhi That Never Rusts

This enigmatic solitary pillar in India remains immune to rust even after 1,600 years, an impossible feat to replicate even with our current technology.

Could the Egyptian God Ra Landed in the Sphinx?

The history of Ancient Egypt says that the God Ra came down from the stars and landed in Egypt, founding a powerful civilization.

The Metal Library of Cueva de Los Tayos

Artifacts found deep in the mysterious cave gave rise to a series of evidences of an ancient intraterrestrial civilization that could have inhabited the site.

The Submerged Ruins of Yonaguni

On the southern coast of Yonaguni, Japan, there are submerged ruins about 10,000 years old and their origin is still much debated.

The UFOs of Alexander the Great

The first recorded incident about Alexander the Great and UFOs happened in 329 BC.

The Great Alaskan Underground Pyramid

The Black Pyramid is buried deep in the ground in the Alaskan desert and would be much larger than the Great Pyramid of Giza.

The Lost World of Agartha

There are countless legends and oral traditions found in many countries that speak of an underground people who have created a kingdom of harmony, joy and spiritual power.

The Mysteries of Ancient Nazca Culture

Nazca is a famous archaeological site known for its mysterious geoglyphs, but the ancient Nazcan culture that created them is not as well known.

The Mathematics Encoded in the Great Pyramid

The mysteries about the origin of the pyramids lead many to believe that the builders of these magnificent structures were capable of such an advanced level of engineering that they coded in it the universal mathematical principles.

Enki: The Anunnaki God

Enki ruled over the earth and the heavens as leader of the Anunnakis gods in Sumeria and is believed to have inhabited the Earth 400,000 years ago.

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Bep-kororoti: The Ancient Astronaut of the Amazon

Bep-kororoti is believed to be an ancient astronaut who landed in the Amazon Rainforest teaching knowledge to the natives.

Disc of Sabu: Sophisticated Technology in Ancient Egypt

This peculiar object, created 5,000 years ago, appears to be a component of an ancient, yet unknown, advanced mechanism.

Egyptian Papyrus Describes UFO Encounter

An ancient Egyptian papyrus talks about large flying machines that spat fire over the Egyptian sky before disappearing into outer space 3,500 years ago.

Enki: The Anunnaki God

Enki ruled over the earth and the heavens as leader of the Anunnakis gods in Sumeria and is believed to have inhabited the Earth 400,000 years ago.

Fuente Magna: Presence of Sumerios in Bolivia?

Fuente Magna is undoubtedly one of the most mysterious artifacts that exist today, was discovered in Bolivia, but contains engravings that relate it directly to sumerian culture. Could the Sumerios have visited Bolivia in antiquity?

What is the True Age of the Giza Sphinx?

Although we know a lot about the history of the ancient Egyptians, the mystery of the Sphinx has not yet been completely unraveled.

Ancient UFO Records

Although millions of people around the world are convinced that humanity has been visited by non-Earth beings, the evidence remains unconvincing for skeptics.

Nuclear Cataclysm on Mars?

Could Mars have been destroyed by a nuclear cataclysm? According to physicist John Brandenburg, yes.